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When you get home, after a hard day at the office, all you want to do is take a shower. You turn on the hot water and jump into the shower, finally relaxing. But did you stop for a moment to think about your shower ritual? There are some things that can increase the risk of acne breakouts, as you will have the opportunity to discover below. Today, we will discuss acne-causing shower mistakes and how to avoid them. After you read this article, you will make some changes regarding your shower ritual.

1. You do not hydrate the skin while it is still wet

Many people dry their skin first and then apply the moisturizer. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee the best results, favoring the appearance of acne. It is recommended to hydrate the skin while it is still wet, as this will ensure the best degree of absorption. You can choose a moisturizer suitable for the wet application, such as one containing jojoba and olive oil. Go for products that contain natural oils, so that they do not clog the pores. Keep in mind that the moisturizer has to be applied at the level of the face as well, to make under-eye bags less visible or eliminate them altogether.


2. You are using an exfoliator that is too aggressive on the skin

The shower is a good time to use your exfoliating products, but you have to pay attention to how aggressive such products are. Avoid those that contain a lot of abrasive ingredients, as these, will do more harm than good. Instead, go for natural, organic products, such as a coffee scrub. This exfoliator will help you eliminate dead cells accumulated on the surface of the skin while stimulating the rejuvenation process. It is more than suitable for those who are prone to acne breakouts or those who have oily skin so that you can use it without any worries.

3. Using the same sponge for a prolonged period

Studies have clearly confirmed that our bathroom sponges are filled with bacteria and mold, due to constantly being wet. Keep in mind that using such an infested sponge will only increase the risk of acne breakouts. For this reason, it is recommended to make a change and switch to sponges that are both antibacterial and hypoallergenic. A very good choice is represented by Konjac sponges, which are often recommended by dermatologists. You might also want to make sure that your sponge is placed in an area that is ventilated so that it does not stay wet all the time.

4. The wrong soap

Using the wrong soap can do more harm than you might be aware of, as it disrupts your pH levels and favors the appearance of acne lesions. Unfortunately, many of the soaps present on today’s market are filled with harmful chemicals, doing quite a lot of damage. For this reason, it is recommended to change your soap and select a product that contains natural ingredients. The main idea is to use soap that cleans your skin, without disrupting the pH balance. For example, you can choose soap that contains dead sea minerals.

5. Not using a shower head filter

In many parts of the world, the shower water is presented as hard, containing a lot of led and other heavy metals. Keep in mind that all of these reach your skin, modifying its balance and making it prone to acne breakouts. Apart from metals, unfiltered shower water contains a high range of chemicals, which are potentially harmful to the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase a shower head filter and reduce such problems in an instant. Your pores are no longer going to be clogged, and your skin will look quite amazing.

These are only a couple of mistakes you probably make in the shower, thus favoring the appearance of acne. Keep in mind that the temperature of the shower water should not be too high, as it can lead to dry skin, eliminating natural oils from the surface. It is for the best to take medium-heat showers, as these are highly beneficial for the skin.

Must Watch: Why Hot Showers Bad For Skin?


Amit Kumar
Author: Amit Kumar

Amit is the founder of YoursNews. This is a next generation blog, proved that blogging is an art; focus on valuable ideas and genuine stories, rest everything will fall into place.