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I want your keenest attention because I am a nonentity, a common man, a disrespectful and scared one, just like you. To begin with, the fundamental aim of all humanity is to attain a state of happiness by finding and maintaining the harmony of the spirit. Different cultures evolved throughout the history of mankind to fulfill this aim, however, through various distinct approaches. For instance, the Hellenistic cultures approached the aim through mind and intellect while the Modern West reveres materialism.

However, the East has always been coordination among perceptions, as a rhythm, because the Eastern cultures almost always adhered to the spiritual approach, rather than intellectual or material – knowing the latter’s limitations. One dimension that is always found in every mysticism from the East is a spirituality that tends to penetrate into the illogical realms of existence which are much beyond the logical and intellectual evaluations through well-defined laws. The other (optional) dimension, however, deals with the day-to-day life or the preparatory habits necessary for the realization of the illogical realm through strict laws.

The key concept to the eastern culture that has helped it find and, more importantly, maintain a prolonged harmony is the rejection of believing without any experience. This culture always rejected speculations by realizing that it would shut the various possibilities that may exist.

Rather it turned itself onto the path of seeking. There was never a particular belief system in this culture. There never was a concept of theism or atheism. Believing in naivety was fooling our own selves and simply pretending to have experienced while disbelieving in naivety could destroy the possibility to know and experience any further. This culture has always accepted the various pathways to seek rather than argue on something inexperienced. This culture never tried to stamp a particular set of rules, rather it saw the difference in the tendencies of different beings and included all the possible ways to liberation.

The realization of “Monism” dawned upon this culture because of this soul nature of seeking and furthered the maintenance of harmony. Not to be confused with Monotheism, which is a western concept, Monism rejects any sort of dogma and subjects the seeker himself to experience the “Oneness” of all existence. Further, the realization of the monism affirms that the whole of existence is the same thing as its creator, i.e., the creator itself has manifested into the creation and the creator is “One-and-only-one”. Its realizations affirm that reality can only be achieved by combining the Divine Oneness with the Divine Uniqueness.

Monotheism, on the other hand, presses one to believe in a declaration by the verdict of authority as the ultimate truth. Further, it has followers who must ‘believe’ in the Divine Uniqueness but not necessarily the Divine Oneness.

While Monism tends to propagate harmony, monotheism propagates intolerance for they ‘believe’ in something others may not. Belief means accepting something without knowing. Believing is bound to give rise to conflicts for there will be people who will believe in something

that we do not accept. Everyone simply wants to make everyone else believe in something they themselves do but a seeker is someone who completely rejects any dogma and is daring enough to walk on the road to realization.

However, faith is different from belief. When we believe in something, we refrain to affirm that we do not know. On the other hand, A person who has the courage to accept that he does not know and starts to seek will automatically lose or gain ‘faith’ by experiencing. Faith is something that is experienced while belief is a rigid dogma forced upon someone!

“What is the Principle of life? A man is born to become God. There are continuous changes and transformations. How many Gods are there/ One, – this is ‘Advaitavad’ (Monism). See, the individualistic austerity is not acceptable because what is not common to all is not true. ― Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

Amit Kumar
Author: Amit Kumar

Amit is the founder of YoursNews. This is a next generation blog, proved that blogging is an art; focus on valuable ideas and genuine stories, rest everything will fall into place.

Amit Kumar

Amit is the founder of YoursNews. This is a next generation blog, proved that blogging is an art; focus on valuable ideas and genuine stories, rest everything will fall into place.

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