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Useful Tips On How to Prevent The Heart Diseases

Heart disease normally refers to a state that narrows or blocks cardiovascular vessels that can result in heart attack, stroke or angina. Signs and Symptoms may appear in various ways and depend on some factors like gender, type of heart disease or even age. The heart disease signs and symptoms may vary among women and men. Some women with Coronary Heart Diseases will not show any signs or symptoms, this condition is known as silent Coronary Heart Disease.

However, Silent CHD may perhaps not be spotted until a woman develops signs of heart failure, heart attack, or abnormal heartbeat (an arrhythmia). It is important to conduct more research so that you can be aware of a number of signs and symptoms that may signal a heart disease. Many types of heart disorders can be treated or handled with healthy habits and lifestyle, for instance, women with heart disease who try to get pregnant need special care throughout pregnancy.

Heart Disease Signs and Symptoms:

Heart disease can be ongoing or the symptom may appear suddenly. A common sign and symptom of heart disease is angina. This happens when the muscles in your heart don’t get sufficient oxygenated blood. In men, this condition usually feels like pressure in the chest. This symptom may stretch to the arms. In women, these symptoms may also be manifested. Nevertheless, women are also likely to experience a sharp, itching chest pain. In addition, women are prone to experience neck pains, throat, jaw, back or abdomen.

Angina is likely to worsen in men through physical activity and stops during relaxation. Men are less likely to develop this symptom while sleeping or resting as compared to women. Angina frequently occurs during regular daily tasks like cooking or cleaning in women with the coronary microvascular disease, more than when exercising. Besides, mental stress has a tendency of causing angina pain and discomfort in women. The angina pain may worsen or occur habitually as the coronary arteries continue to narrow.

Signs and Symptoms of Various Coronary Heart Diseases:

  1. Heart Attack

A heart attack is unquestionably the most prevalent heart disease in both men and women. However, women are less subjected to chest pains than men are. They have a higher tendency of developing back pain, neck pain, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, extreme tiredness, vomiting or respiratory problems than men. Heart attacks can also bring about upper body tenderness in arms, neck, back, upper stomach or jaw.

Other symptoms of heart attack are dizziness and nausea, which comes about frequently in women than in men. Men have a high tendency of experiencing cold sweat and left arm pain at some point.

  1. Heart Failure

An individual’s heart cannot pump sufficient blood required in all parts of the body in this state. However, this does not mean the victim’s heart has stopped functioning. It denotes that the heart cannot manage to handle the demands of daily activities. Symptoms include breathing difficulties and weariness that increases with physical activity. Heart failure can also trigger swelling in the ankles, feet legs, and abdomen as well as neck veins.

  1. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a condition that affects the heartbeat rate. In this heart disease, the heartbeat can be too slow, too fast or with an inconsistent rhythm. Some people experience thumping or palpitations (fluttering feelings) or even skipped heart beats. This disorder can also result in the sudden heart fatigue, also known as sudden cardiac arrest that can result in loss of consciousness or even death if not diagnosed earlier.

  1. Broken Heart Syndrome

Chest pain and breathing difficulties are the most known symptoms of Broken Heart Syndrome. In this heart disease, these symptoms are likely to take place suddenly in individuals who have no heart disease history. Cardiogenic shock or even Arrhythmias may occur as well. This may weaken heart’s ability to pump sufficient blood to all parts of the body.

Some signs of this heart disorder differ from heart attack signs and symptoms. For instance, in individuals with broken heart syndrome, symptoms come about suddenly after experiencing severe physical or emotional stress.

Blood tests have no slight heart damage signs or narrowing of coronary arteries. Other symptoms include swelling and abnormal movement of a left ventricle. Fortunately, recovery time in this condition is quick, normally within days as compared with the time it takes to recover from a heart attack.

Tips on preventing heart diseases

Cardiovascular disease is, without a doubt, the major cause of death in all races, ages, and genders. It is important to conduct more research so that you can be aware of a number of signs and symptoms that may signal a heart disease. Fortunately, there are steps that will prevent the risk of getting heart disease.

*  Maintain a healthy body weight. This is the most important step to prevent heart disease particularly if you have diabetes. Consult a professional dietitian to help you initiate healthy ways of maintaining body weight.

*  Exercise regularly. Lots of research proves the significant benefits of regular exercise on cardiovascular health. Start exercising and come up with a plan that is effective for you.

*  Avoid smoking. Nicotine narrows or even blocks the blood vessels, thus it is recommended to stop damage instigated by nicotine.

*  Maintain strict glucose control. Controlling your blood glucose will also protect your heart from hypertension.

*  Lower the level of cholesterol intake. By eating foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, grains and omega-3 supplements and reducing fat intake. You will reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body.

*   Consider using aspirin routinely. If you are over 30 years, consult your doctor about taking aspirin every day. Furthermore, taking a multivitamin can be very helpful particularly for individuals with diabetes and high blood pressure.

Finding out more information about heart diseases will help you learn how to diagnose those coronary disorder symptoms for yourself and your loved ones. The earlier you diagnose a heart disease, the better you get a complete recovery. In spite of this, many people ignore early treatment, even if they doubt something is not going well.

However, medical practitioners usually encourage people to seek a medical advice and attention if they experience early symptoms of heart disease. Although you may be wrong, visiting the doctor is better than suffering from chronic heart damage or other health issues because you did not treat the condition earlier.