Worries Of Students & The Success Mantra
From 16th of mar 2020, we are all under lockdown in some form or the other in different parts of the country/state/district/city/town/locality. The initial part was exciting as these were the unexpected holidays that we were longing for. But as time progressed & we enter the 37th day, things are not going the way we expected it to be.
Eating, sleeping, confined to the home & not being able to do any productive work has induced several psychological & physiological changes in many, in addition to others that we haven’t come across as yet. For the student community what does this extended break mean & how to cope with it successfully? This blog gives you some practical advice so that you can use your time productively & fruitfully.
Remember, as compared to many advanced nations India is better placed in the COVID-19 situation due to the early lockdown & strict measures in place. We are also benefitted by the BCG vaccination process followed in our country in addition to higher temperatures now prevailing & good immunity in the people. So, students, we are in a better position as compared to others, hence let’s utilise our time effectively.
In this situation the main worries of the students are:
- Syllabus completion: My advice is attend & take the online classes conducted by your teachers seriously. You may not get a second chance again. Use all the online resources provided by the college & study seriously & systematically at home. Assume your syllabus is now over & this is your PL. Allot 4 days/course & in 16 or 20 days finish your syllabus by studying 14 – 16 hrs/day. You are surely able to do it. Solve the previous 3-5yrs. Question papers.
- Exams: It all depends on the duration of the lockdown period. Different govt. agencies (UGC/AICTE/MHRD/UNIVERSITY/GOVT.) are working on different plans & wait for that. It’s a wise decision to attempt MCQ online exams on a regular basis for practice.
Jobs: - Don’t worry many companies have said they will not withdraw the job offers, but there might be a delay. What will happen to others will happen to you also, you will not be singled out. Expect the best but be prepared for the worst.
- Advantage India: The world is upset with China & Japanese companies have already started to move out & the same is expected with American, European & other companies. So, there is a very high probability that these companies will relocate to India due to several favourable factors & this will create an employment explosion in the country, particularly for mechanical, civil, electrical, computer & electronics engineers.
India becomes the best & natural choice due to many factors particularly, the availability of a quickly adaptable trained technical manpower in addition to several other reasons.