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Know About Divyaa, Shlokapreneur – Teaching Modern Kids, Traditional Values

Modernity has been embraced by people so much that our traditional Indian values are lost somewhere in transition. Breaking the shackles is Divyaa Doraiswamy of Bangalore who is the founder of Gurukulum – The Shloka School. Though there is no dearth of activity classes and dance, yoga or music schools, not much emphasis has ever been laid on teaching our kids the importance of our tradition.

This was the reason behind the idea of Gurukulum. Divyaa aims to keep our traditional roots in place and also make the younger generation aware of the rich and vast heritage of our country. With a small start of teaching few children in her apartment, Divyaa has expanded the services to many pre-schools, dance-schools, and even blind-schools.

A master in economics and a devout believer, she firmly believes in the age-old values of taking care of the not-so-blessed and the needy; apart from doing the needful for the society. Since its inception in October 2014, Gurukulum has been generating the right kind of buzz in Bangalore. Many parents have found it to be a good initiative and have enrolled their kids to learn Shlokas, which are taught in Sanskrit.

Divyaa takes immense pleasure to teach students between 5-16 Sanskrit shlokas from a designed uniform curriculum globally. The classes provide the kids with a unique opportunity to expand their horizons while simultaneously becoming aware of our rich heritage. The 2-year course is also conducted for students abroad via Skype or Whatsapp Video. Once registered, the curriculum is dispatched to students via post.

Advantages associated by chanting Shlokas include:

  • Improved consciousness and concentration ability
  • Better equipped to deal with mental pressure
  • Relieves body of anxiety and high BP, depressive disorders etc.
  • Acts as a brain stabilizer, often improving memory
  • Brings a sense of calm in the body as well as the mind
  • Drives away negative thoughts and infuses positive energy
  • Reduces bouts of anger and violence
  • Excellent way to inculcate good values in kids

Currently, around 50 students are benefiting from Divya’s efforts. She wishes to further expand Gurukulum services. More power to her!