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Gongyo Lyrics Silent Prayer – Good Way Of Healthy Living

Gongyo Lyrics

Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism stands out for its easily accessible practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This method, both profound and simple, embodies the essence of Buddhist practice and is exceptionally suited for the modern world.

Gongyo Lyrics

Myo ho ren ge kyo.
Hoben-pon. Dai ni.

Myo ho ren ge kyo.
Hoben-pon. Dai ni.

Niji seson. Ju sanmai.
Anjo ni ki.Go shari-hotsu.
Sho-but chi-e. Jinjin muryo.
Go chi-e mon. Nange nannyu.
Issai shomon.Hyaku-shi-butsu.
Sho fu no chi. Sho-i sha ga.
Butsu zo shingon. Hyaku sen man noku.

Mushu sho butsu. Jin gyo sho-butsu.
Muryo doho. Yumyo shojin.
Myosho fu mon. Joju jinjin.
Mi-zo-u ho. Zui gi sho setsu.
Ishu nange. Shari-hotsu.
Go ju jo-butsu irai. Shuju innen.
Shuju hiyu. Ko en gonkyo.
Mu shu hoben. Indo shujo.
Ryo ri sho jaku. Sho-i sha ga.
Nyorai hoben. Chi-ken hara-mitsu.
Kai i gu-soku. Shari-hotsu.
Nyorai chi-ken. Kodai jinnon.
Muryo muge. Riki. Mu-sho-i. Zenjo.
Gedas. Sanmai. Jin nyu musai.
Joju issai. Mi-zo-u ho.
Shari-hotsu. Nyorai no.
Shuju fun-betsu. Gyo ses sho ho.
Gon-ji nyunan. Ekka shushin.
Shari-hotsu. Shu yo gon shi.
Muryo muhen. Mi-zo-u ho.
Bus shitsu joju. Shi shari-hotsu.
Fu shu bu setsu. Sho-i sha ga.
Bus sho joju. Dai ichi ke-u.
Nange shi ho. Yui butsu yo butsu.
Nai no kujin. Shoho jisso.

Sho-i shoho. Nyo ze so.
Nyo ze sho. Nyo ze tai.
Nyo ze riki. Nyo ze sa.
Nyo ze in. Nyo ze en.
Nyo ze ka. Nyo ze ho.
Nyo ze honmak kukyo to.

Gongyo Lyrics Silent Prayer

Myo ho ren ge kyo.
Nyorai ju-ryo-hon. Dai ju-roku.

Ji ga toku bu rai. Sho kyo sho kosshu.
Muryo hyaku sen man. Oku sai asogi.
Jo seppo kyoke. Mushu oku shujo.
Ryo nyu o butsu-do. Nirai muryo ko.
I do shujo ko. Hoben gen nehan.
Ni jitsu fu metsu-do. Jo ju shi seppo.
Ga jo ju o shi. I sho jin-zu-riki.
Ryo tendo shujo. Sui gon ni fu ken.
Shu ken ga metsu-do. Ko kuyo shari.
Gen kai e renbo., Ni sho katsu-go shin.
Shujo ki shin-bukui. Shichi-jiki i nyunan.
Isshin yok ken butsu. Fu ji shaku shinmyo.
Ji go gyo shuso. Ku shutsu ryojusen.
Ga ji go shujo. Jo zai shi fu-metsu.
I ho-ben-rik ko. Gen u metsu fu-metsu.
Yo-koku u shujo. Kugyo shingyo sha.
Ga bu o hi chu. I setsu mujo ho.
Nyoto fu mon shi. Tan ni ga metsu-do.
Ga ken sho shujo. Motsu-zai o kukai.
Ko fu I gen shin. Ryo go sho katus-go.
In go shin renbo. Nai shutsu I seppo.
Jin-zu-riki nyo ze. O asogi ko.

Jo zai ryojusen. Gyu yo sho jusho.
Shujo ken ko jin. Dai ka sho sho ji.
Ga shi do annon. Tennin jo juman.
Onrin sho do-kaku. Shuju ho shogon.
Hoju ta keka. Shujo sho yu-raku.
Shoten gyaku tenku. Jo sas shu gi-gaku.
U mandara ke. San butsu gyu daishu.
Ga jodo fu ki. Ni shu ken sho jin.
Ufu sho kuno. Nyo ze shitsu juman.
Ze sho zai shujo. I aku-go innen.
Ka asogi ko. Fu mon sanbo myo.
Sho u shu ku-doku. Nyuwa shichi-jiki sha.
Sokkai ken gashin. Zai shi ni seppo.
Waku-ji i shi shu. Setsu butsu-ju muryo.
Ku nai ken bussha. I setsu butsu nan chi.
Ga chi-riki nyo ze. Eko sho muryo.
Jumyo mushu ko. Ku shugo sho toku.
Nyoto u chi sha. Mot to shi sho gi.
To dan ryo yo jin. Butsu-go jip puko.
Nyo I zen hoben. I ji o shi ko.
Jitsu zai ni gon shi. Mu no sek komo.
Ga yaku I se bu. Ku sho kugen sha.
I bonbu tendo. Jitsu zai ni gon metsu.
I joken go ko. Ni sho kyoshi shin.
Ho-itsu jaku go-yoku. Da o aku-do chu.
Ga jo chi shujo. Gyo do fu gyo do.
Zui o sho ka do. I ses shuju ho.
Mai ji sa ze nen. I ga ryo shujo.
Toku nyu mu-jo do. Soku joju busshin.


The Importance of Doing Gongyo

Buddhism is reason. The important thing, therefore, is for each person to make wise judgments so that he or she will be able to carry out a practice of gongyo filled with joy at all times. The essential basis of our faith and practice lies in the five morning and three evening prayers that we recite during Gongyo each day.

The ultimate objective of the true Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is the attainment of enlightenment in our present form (sokushin jobutsu). The performance of the five and three prayers in Gongyo is absolutely indispensable.


Gratitude to the Gohonzon

With utmost reverence, I express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Gohonzon, the embodiment of Nam myoho renge-kyo, the essence of the Lotus Sutra.

With profound respect, I extend my gratitude and appreciation to Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

With sincere reverence, I offer my gratitude and appreciation to Nikko Shonin.

Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

Appreciation for the Three Founding Presidents

I extend my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai – Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei Toda, and Daisaku Ikeda – for their exemplary dedication to spreading the Law, honoring them as eternal mentors of kosen-rufu.

Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

Prayers for Worldwide Kosen-rufu and for the Deceased

May the grand vow for global kosen-rufu be fulfilled, and may the Soka Gakkai International flourish in this mission for generations to come.

I pray for my personal human revolution, to transform my karma and realize all my aspirations. (Offer additional prayers here)

I pray for the souls of my departed relatives and all beings who have passed on, especially for the following individuals: (Sound the bell continuously while offering prayers.)

Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times.

May peace prevail throughout the world and may all living beings find happiness.

Sound the bell and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times to conclude.