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Say No To Chemicals: You Can Have A Clear Skin Naturally

Nature has awarded every single woman with beauty and grace. Every woman has a natural glow on her face but many factors like pollution, stress, unhealthy food habits, busy lifestyle, less sleep; alcohol intake, smoking etc. can take away that radiance and leave the skin looking dull, and tired. Beautiful face needs a clear complexion and a good quality well moisturised skin.nature3

Most women think that applying costly cosmetic creams and masks will make them have a beautiful skin. Believe me it is a myth. These types of cosmetic creams and masks do not only over budget you but also damage your skin as they have many dangerous chemicals. They will give temporary results but will spoil the texture and quality of your skin in long run. If you want to preserve the youth and glow of your skin and have a clear and healthy complexion then you should try natural remedies. These natural things are very easily available at your home and garden.

nature4                                                                                                                  If you wish to have a clear skin first of all should make a daily cleansing toning and moisturising routine. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day as it will protect you from drying out, keep skin hydrated and keep up the ph level. You must eat a full plate of salads and fruits to give you all nutrients and the fibre content will keep your stomach free from constipation.

Nature has awarded every single woman with beauty and grace.


Lemon and honey are the two best natural ingredients for a glowing and clear skin. The acidic nature of lemon will clean your skin, do away dead cells, and the vitamin C content will control wrinkles and maintain the youth of your skin. If you want to bleach your face naturally, just mix a teaspoon lemon juice with equal quantity of honey and apply it on your face.

Leave it for 10 – 15 minutes and wash with warm water followed by rubbing a slice of cucumber on your face.

It is also very important to exfoliate your skin regularly. You can use a homemade scrub with two spoon sugar mixed with lemon. Rub it gently over your face in circular motion for around 7-8 minutes, leave for some time and wash with warm water. You should practice it once or twice a week.

Another common ingredient found in your kitchen is turmeric. It is a wonderful skin lightening agent with anti septic character. You can make an extremely effective natural pack with half teaspoon turmeric, and two teaspoons gram flour mixed with curd. Apply it on your face and let it dry and then wash with normal water. A regular twice a week application of this will reduce the spots on your face and give you fairer complexion.


If you have an oily skin then mix two spoons of sandalwood powder with rosewater and cold milk. Apply the paste on your face and let it dry and then wash with cold water. It will help you with acne also. Rose water has great cleansing and toning properties. Aloe Vera is also very effective in curing acne as it kills bacteria and soothes skin irritation. Just take some gel from aloe Vera leaf and apply it on your face. Do it regularly to discover a radiant and clear face.

Apart from using these packs and scrubs you must follow a healthy dietary plan. You should include fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, soups, cereals, pulses, and whole wheat flour. Avoid fried, spicy, starchy, packed and fast food. You must include curd, milk, and yogurt also in your daily diet.

Go for a morning walk and have some fresh air and morning sunlight which will give you a good dose of vitamin D. You should also include a light exercise regime like yoga and aerobics.

And above all be happy and feel happy, always smile and remember that the beauty doesn’t mean sharp features, big eyes and fair complexion rather a healthy and well nourished skin will make you glow and get noticed even if you are not very fair.

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