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A Road Trip Changes You From Who You Were To Who You Are

You must travel. Why do people often say this? Moving from one place to another sometimes give us many unforgettable moments, it teaches us, it makes us grow, it states that life is all about being yourself and while travelling you get to know, who you actually are.

I guess, this is why one must travel, travel at least once in their lifetime to the unknown places.

We have become so mundane while keep repeating same 9 to 5 thing. We have forgotten that the life is all about exploring things, exploring places and all that we are exploring is the excel sheet and the same routine. These things may give you a good bank balance, but when you would get old, you won’t be having any story to share with your grandchildren, and that would suck.

So why not just pack bags and lost in the unknown roads. You never know, which way takes you to your ultimate goals. In this post, we are going to share, why travelling is a must, and even if you lose something in the journey, that wouldn’t be a loss.

Most of the times, we forget our things in the excitement which is a little regret but then even if you have lost your bag full of your expensive stuff, you have lived many incredible moments that no one can ever steal.


When you go on a road trip, you hardly get time on the update a status, like someone’s picture, tweet something. You kind of cut yourself off from social media network.

Think about it: If you were heading out on a road trip, you’d plot your course and schedule, identify landmarks, and keep the trip on track and on time. And as a new manager, one of your many roles is just that: You set goals—both long-term and short, and you make sure your team members make progress toward them.

I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go to Kenya. Have your mind blown, eat interesting food, dig some interesting people, have an adventure, be careful.


Some things about experiencing a long road trip (arguably four days or a week, at least) offer unique opportunities for changing one’s perspective on our own self and our life that can’t be experienced otherwise.

This might sound a bit sad as you lose touch with your people but what you are gaining is yourself. Being on a road trip let you know your true self which is surely a gain.

In Last you will get your self on A Road Trip Changes You From Who You Were To Who You Are ..